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4 - An Astonishing Drop: Angel Falls

Located in Bolivar State, Venezuela, this natural wonder is the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world. It drops over the edge of the Auyan-tepui mountain, falling from a height of 985 meters with an uninterrupted drop of 807 meters.

The waterfall was named after James "Jimmie" Angel, a U.S. aviator who was the first person to fly over the falls in 1933. He returned in 1937, attempting to land on Auyan-tepu's summit. Though successful, the wheels of the plane became submerged in mud, and Jimmie could not get his aircraft to move. Jimmie and his group trekked across the mountain for 11 days before reaching a small settlement. Word of his adventure spread, giving the waterfall the name of "Angel". Jimmie's plane remained marooned on the mountain until 1970. It can now be found in the Aeronautics Museum of Maracay.

The waterfall is so large that it can create its own climate. During the "dry" season from January to March, the water from the falls will evaporate and form mist before it even reaches the ground, cooling down the surrounding environment. During rainy seasons, the waterfall will split into two, and people can feel drops of water on them from more than a kilometer away!

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